Tap into your body’s own healing mechanism.

Since most health problems are caused by imbalances in the body, acupuncture can restore and achieve the body’s balance by working with the body’s life force, or Qi (pronounced “chee”).  Qi is a dynamic, vital energy that permeates the human body and every other living thing. It flows in the body through 14 energy pathways –also known as “meridians” — which run beneath the skin to communicate with the body’s major organs.

Good health is dependent on the abundance, balance, and smooth flow of Qi within the body, much like a flowing river.  When Qi becomes disrupted or blocked, an imbalance in the meridians and their associated organ systems results in illness.  This can be compared to a large rock or dam that blocks a river: water backs up or gets stagnant and flow is impeded and causes problems.

Acupuncture directly affects the body’s Qi, unblocking obstructions and balancing the flow of energy to facilitate the bodies’ own healing process.  It focuses on re-balancing the flow of energy by the gentle insertion of ultra-thin needles at specific points on the body where Qi can be accessed.

When a thin needle is inserted into the body, the brain sees it as an invasion so it sends out chemicals, endorphins and blood to the area.  Basically, it is kicking in your bodies’ own healing mechanism to do what it’s meant to do: heal.

Sterile, disposable acupuncture needles are extremely thin and flexible. While most feel no discomfort during the process, one may feel a slight sensation of heaviness or tingling when Qi is activated. Depending on the diagnosis, needles are left in place for 20 to 35 minutes while the patient relaxes to soft music. Most people find treatments very relaxing and report a deep sense of emotional grounding after acupuncture.

There have been many discussions about exactly how acupuncture works according to the Western biomedical model. After looking at the extensive research done in both China and the West, it is clear that acupuncture has a measurable effect on the brain’s autonomic nervous system, on vascular and endocrine physiology, brain chemistry and the production of endorphins.

However you want to explain it, acupuncture is simply amazing at facilitating your body’s own healing power!