
Acupuncture directly affects the body’s Qi, unblocking obstructions and balancing the flow of energy to facilitate the bodies’ own healing process.  It focuses on re-balancing the flow of energy by the gentle insertion of ultra-thin needles at specific points on the body where Qi can be accessed… Read more

Therapeutic Essential Oils

Discover the amazing healing powers from Mother Nature. Essential oils have a variety of effects and allow you to naturally and effectively address specific health concerns… Read More…

Functional Medicine

Invest in your health through personalized wellness programs with a fusion of Functional Medicine and Chinese Medicine. Designed to improve your quality of life, sustain an optimal level of mental, physical and emotional well-being and age gracefully.   Read More…

Allergy Elimination

NAET (Nambudripads’s Allergy Elimination Technique) is a holistic, non-invasive treatment that identifies and eliminates a persons’ sensitivity to food and environmental allergens. It combines kinesiology (muscle testing) and Oriental Medicine to clear allergic reactions by reprogramming the brain and nervous system to no longer react to an offending substance..  Read more…