Find and eliminate food and environmental allergies naturally.

Allergies and sensitivities have increased radically in our lifetime — acute, chronic and subclinical allergies are all up — so much so that by some estimates over 60 million Americans now suffer from allergies, and millions more from sensitivities.

Hidden allergies and sensitivities are real.  Every substance on earth that can be eaten, inhaled, or touched is a potential allergen. Whether or not it negatively affects you depends on your individual genetic profile and how well your system is running.   Allergies are often dismissed by doctors because symptoms seem mysterious and unconnected, but they are usually accompanied by other health conditions and symptoms.

With a comprehensive look at your diet and  environmental factors, I can help target potential allergens.  The good news is, they can be treated.  I use a unique allergy elimination technique called NAET.

What is NAET?

NAET (Nambudripads’s Allergy Elimination Technique) is a holistic, non-invasive treatment that identifies and eliminates a persons’ sensitivity to food and environmental allergens. It combines kinesiology (muscle testing) and Oriental Medicine to clear allergic reactions by reprogramming the brain and nervous system to no longer react to an offending substance.

How does NAET work?

NAET is based on the theory and concepts of electromagnetic energy.  Allergic reactions are the result of an incorrect response by the brain and central nervous system which occur when a person’s body (energy field) is in contact with the energy (electromagnetic field) of another substance. A substance can be toxic or nontoxic according to how the brain perceives it.

The human body has a flow of electrical currents that run through it called meridians or energy channels. When the body has an allergic reaction, a blockage occurs in the meridians, causing different symptoms. By stimulating points on either side of the spine while the person holds the allergen vial, the electromagnetic energy is altered in the patient’s body therefore eliminating and neutralizing the allergic response.

Why is allergy elimination important? 

An allergen is a substance the brain views as a threat to the body. The brain reacts by blocking one or more of the body’s energy meridians, causing numerous symptoms and illnesses. Any substance brought into the body’s bio-electromagnetic field can trigger a response in the central nervous system. These can include foods, environmental agents, minerals, vegetable or animal substances, chemical compounds, physical agents, nutritional supplements or pharmaceutical drugs.

What happens during a treatment?

After taking a patient’s medical history, simple muscle testing is used to isolate an indicator muscle that will remain strong under testing without the presence of an allergen. Then the same muscle is tested with the patient holding the suspected allergen. If the body has an aversion to the substance, the indicator muscle will go weak.

Once allergens are identified and prioritized, key points are stimulated along the spine while the patient does specific breathing sequences. After the stimulation, the patient is re-tested with the same allergen(s) to verify that the body and brain have accepted the clearing process.

Based upon the patient’s preference, acupressure or acupuncture is utilized in completing the treatment. After this procedure, the patient with the vial in hand is asked to relax for a period of 20 minutes. This period helps the body go through the desensitization to the allergen.

After the treatment, the patient avoids all contact with the treated allergen for up to 25 hours. At the next treatment session, the patient is checked again to verify that all allergic responses to the treated allergen have been eliminated.

How many sessions will I need?

A comprehensive NAET program is tailored to fit each individual patient and varies according to the overall severity of the allergic condition, number of allergens involved, and strength of the patient’s response to the treatment. Individuals with few allergies will need only a few treatments, while those with multiple allergies will require more.

Can the allergy return?

If the NAET protocols are followed properly, and performed by a certified NAET practitioner, the chance of return is very small. Meaning, once you desensitize your body to the allergen is should not affect you for the rest of your life.

For an appointment
please call or text at 760-914-1639.