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How to Adapt to Stress

By October 17th, 2022No Comments

If there is one thing that all of us have in common, it’s stress.  There’s no denying that we live in a stressful world and it’s nearly impossible to avoid.

When we are healthy and stress is short-lived we are usually able to recover without much damage to our health.  However, when stress is extreme or is chronic, our health really suffers.

Stress has been linked to excess body fat, obesity, premature aging and disease. Ongoing stress can also interfere with your immune system increasing risks for allergies, colds and flu’s and autoimmune diseases.

While most people don’t think they are stressed, there are many sources of stress.  Mental stress includes jobs, finances or retirement worries. Emotional stress can come from relationships, divorce, co-workers, or focusing on negative thoughts.

Physical stress can be from chronic illness or infections, food intolerances, and excess body fat or over-exercising. Pushing yourself physically contributes to oxidative stress in your body’s cells. And oxidative stress is a leading cause of premature aging and disease.

Environmental stressors include chemicals and toxins in our air, homes or offices, or electromagnetic stress from computers, cell phones and other wireless devices.

Although life is stressful, the key to combating stress is to build resiliency when challenges arise. Stress management is identifying and recognizing the best ways to respond to challenges that will inevitably occur in our lives.

There are many ways to battle stress, but here are some simple things you can do daily:

  • Breathe.  Deep breathing releases endorphins that create feelings of happiness.
  • Move.  Physical activity can clear your mind and keep stress under control. Take relaxing walks or do any kind of exercise that restores you.
  • Have an attitude of gratitude.  There is always something good in your life you can focus on.  Write down 5 things you are grateful for everyday.
  • Learn to accept.  Accept that there are many aspects of life that you cannot change.
  • Practice letting go.  Let go mentally and emotionally of things that are out of your control.
  • Give yourself permission to have fun and schedule more “me” time.