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Jean Drummond, L.Ac.

Women's Health

A New Normal

It’s tough getting older. My lifelong love of the outdoors and desire to be outside has not changed, however, my body has.  In my mind, I’m 29—I think I can do anything at any time.  But my 60-something body says otherwise.  Everything hurts more.   Discomfort and pain from years of wear and tear on the knees, shoulders, back and other body parts slows me down a bit.I got a reality check last summer when I signed up for a 4-day backpacking trip in Yosemite. I wanted so badly to get out for an adventure since I hadn’t backpacked in almost…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022

The Gratitude Gift

As I took a walk this morning and took in the views of the newly snowcapped mountains and plants freshly bathed in moisture, I felt a deep sense of gratitude.  Gratitude for the magnificence of nature and the feelings of calmness and inspiration it gives me. Since Thanksgiving is around the corner and marks the beginning of the business of the holiday season, I always reflect on how to stay calm within the madness.  I am sensitive to things, so I try and remind myself of things I am grateful for and thanks for all the goodness in my life.…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022

Acupuncture Excels at Treating Injuries

Life happens. Unfortunately, injuries happen too. And in a spilt second, an injury can sideline you for weeks or even months as your body tries to heal.  And with all the snow this winter, there’s potential for injuries— from constantly shoveling snow to skiing or riding in pristine powder. When you are faced with an injury, what do you do?  You have probably heard of the acronym R.I.C.E. from your doctor: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation after an injury.  But Chinese medicine takes a little different perspective on the ice and compression elements from this old adage. Chinese medicine is based on…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022

Dance Stress Free Through The Holiday Hustle

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and happiness, but often the season creates more stress on your already stressed-out life. There’s the long list of to-do’s, gift buying, party planning, wrapping presents, travel hassles, and often, family dynamics that can be challenging. It can all feel overwhelming and, well, stressful! So try not to let the busiest time of the year bring your spirits down and your blood pressure up.  Here are 4 tips to help you survive holiday stress, foster self-care, and learn to “dance” with the hectic holiday hustle. 1. Don’t take on too much.…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022

The Secret to Surviving The Stuffing

Since Thanksgiving is upon us, I wonder who gets stuffed more– you or the turkey? We are grateful for a lot of things on this wonderful day, but the holidays can often be stressful and Thanksgiving is especially stressful on your digestive system. We are grateful for the amazing food we will eat but turkey is just the beginning.  There’s the stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, dinner rolls…etc. Have room for dessert? Not really, but you will eat it anyways. Pumpkin pie, apple pie and sweet potato pie, whipped cream, ice cream, etc.… all the makings for a…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022

How Autumn Can Chill You Out

Are you feeling stuck or frustrated with life? Stressed out to the max? Are you feeling overly negative? Do you seem to do the same things over and over? Relax. There are some easy ways to help you get off the hamster wheel and disembark the crazy train. Simply getting in tune with nature and its recurring cycles can offer a fresh perspective on life. Autumn has just arrived, and the energy of this season, more than any other, can be a time of big changes and opportunities. It can support us in letting go of the old, stale things in our lives and eliminating…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022

Wake Up Call #4? #8? Wait, I’ve Lost Count!

That darn “Wake Up Call” reared its head again!  You know, a health crisis that got my attention one more time.  I’ve had quite a few calls in my life and I always try to “embrace the message” and what my body is telling me.  But you shouldn’t have to have a crisis to remind you that your life and health are out of balance! Last week, my back seized up and I literally couldn’t move because of the pain.  After about 24 hours of immobility, I finally gave in and had to call the paramedics to take me to the…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022
StressWomen's Health

The Wake Up Call

The Wake Up Call.  This is the one call we really don’t want to get. But for many of us, we get the call perhaps many times over until we “get the message.”  It’s the call that can change your life. I certainly got the Wake Up Call 14 years ago when my body finally gave out and forced me to stop.  After years of pushing myself, I developed a heart problem. I had been pushing myself for 20 years in corporate America, enduring massive stress on my body and mind. I finally changed careers to become an acupuncturist to help others…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022
Functional Medicine

What is “Normal”?

I cringe at the word “normal” and I try my hardest never to use it in my vocabulary. I am increasingly amazed when my patients get blood tests done and their doctor calls them and says everything is “normal.” They think, great, but exactly does that mean? What is normal?  When they still feel bad and experience symptoms and they are told they are “normal” it can be frustrating at the least. Of course, it’s good to be “normal” but if you don’t feel normal, then what is the problem? In particular, thyroid tests are notorious for coming back “normal.” The lab values for…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022

Do You Cleanse the “Oil” in Your Body?

I asked my mechanic if it was really necessary to change the oil and filter every 3,000 miles.  He said, “Absolutely!  It’s the best thing you can do for your car.  If you don’t change the oil, it turns to sludge and that affects the efficiency of your car.” Unlike our cars, our bodies don’t have a removable plug that allows us to drain and replace the blood when it gets toxic.  However, our bodies have a similar filtration system.  Guess what?  The best thing you can do for your body is to clean that system out on a regular…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022