As I took a walk this morning and took in the views of the newly snowcapped mountains and plants freshly bathed in moisture, I felt a deep sense of gratitude. Gratitude for the magnificence of nature and the feelings of calmness and inspiration it gives me.
Since Thanksgiving is around the corner and marks the beginning of the business of the holiday season, I always reflect on how to stay calm within the madness. I am sensitive to things, so I try and remind myself of things I am grateful for and thanks for all the goodness in my life.
It inspired me to share a simple tip to help pull yourself out of a funk, out of stress and anxiety, out of worry and fear. It’s so simple– and it’s free.
Go outside. Take a walk and simply observe nature. Engage your senses by really looking around you, seeing in a different way. Listen. Take deep breaths and feel the air fill your lungs. Slow down, observe, and let your thoughts fill with gratitude instead of grief.
There are numerous studies of how spending time in nature positively affects the brain and improves health. Even looking at photos of nature can improve your mood. Yet, most of us are disconnected to nature and spend little time outdoors. The result is a disconnection to ourselves so gratitude and joy fall by the wayside.
I’ve found an easy way to clear your mind is to go outside and take photographs. Since nearly everyone has a camera on their phone, it’s the perfect tool to take you out of your thoughts and just be present. You can use your camera help you focus on seeing things differently, to observe the details, to be curious, to feel inspired.
The only way to really do this effectively is to slow down. Make sure you put your phone on airplane mode so you disconnect to technology—that’s the point. It’s all about seeing. Observing. Slowing down enough to view the details. In those details, your mind will calm down, your thoughts will shift, and you can let go of obsessing over the perfect Thanksgiving meal, a clean house, the visit with the in-laws and the looming Christmas chaos.
I have been a photographer for over 40 years and I look back on the times I’ve wandered into places where my curiosity took me to take photos. I didn’t think. I just was drawn to a place, the light, a scene that evoked an emotion. I got lost in my mind—in a good way. Now, I take my iPhone on short walks and really focus on what I am seeing and feeling. In this simplicity, a profound sense of calm and gratitude washes over me.
I am so grateful for being a healer and being able to help so many people over the last 17 years. I am grateful I live in a beautiful area, surrounded by the magnificence of the mountains. I am so grateful that I can walk and see all the beauty that soothes my soul. And thankful I have picked up my camera again and am tapping into my creativity which makes me the happiest.
My goal as a healer is to help people ease stress, anxiety and the worry that constantly swirls around us. Through the power of nature and art, I hope to educate and inspire others to reconnect to their true selves and foster emotional wellness.
Remember, it’s simple: Go outside. Tap into nature. Engage your senses. Let the details draw you out of your head and into your heart. Appreciate the beauty and simplicity of what earth gives us to heal and think of the many things you are grateful for. In this calm state of observation, you will feel happier, calmer and ready to take on the holiday madness with grace and ease.
I wish you the very best and am so grateful you have allowed me to help you in any way.