I asked my mechanic if it was really necessary to change the oil and filter every 3,000 miles. He said, “Absolutely! It’s the best thing you can do for your car. If you don’t change the oil, it turns to sludge and that affects the efficiency of your car.”
Unlike our cars, our bodies don’t have a removable plug that allows us to drain and replace the blood when it gets toxic. However, our bodies have a similar filtration system. Guess what? The best thing you can do for your body is to clean that system out on a regular basis.
Many health challenges and diseases may be related to impairments in your body’s ability to properly remove toxic compounds. Symptoms of toxic overload can include food allergies, depression, bloating and gas, weight gain, lower back pain, headaches or fatigue.
The fact is we live in a toxic world. So how do you rid the body of toxins?
One great way is cleansing. When your cells are clean and replenished with nutrients, you unlock your bodies’ potential to experience increased energy, enhanced physical and mental performance, safe weight loss and optimal health.
There are many “cleanses” out there but many are missing an important link: Nutrition. To safely cleanse, you must replenish your body with nutrients at the same time you are detoxing. You should not starve yourself or take supplements that leave you running to the bathroom constantly. Do some research or consult a professional to pick the right cleanse for your body.
Another cleansing technique is colon hydrotherapy. Colonics have been used for thousands of years to cleanse the large intestine of impacted waste matter and remove toxins. It makes the digestive system more efficient and increases the body’s absorption of vitamins and nutrients. It also helps to maintain regularity and increase your energy.
Spring is a perfect time to change your body’s “oil,” clean up the toxins stored in your body and enjoy renewed energy and optimal health.