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Do you or do you know someone who exercises like crazy, eats healthy and can’t lose a pound?

It’s frustrating.  But it’s known as weight loss resistance.  Most of this problem is related to hormone malfunctions that affect our metabolism.  Discovering if you have imbalances in your body may be the missing piece to your weight-loss puzzle.

Our metabolism is made up of different hormones that regulate endocrine glands such as the thyroid, adrenals and ovaries.  When our hormones are functioning properly, everything in the body is in balance and it runs smoothly. But anything that gets in the way of your body’s normal hormone functioning means trouble for your metabolism, making it slow down and easier to pack on pounds.

For instance, whenever your body has too many impurities, its ability to eliminate them is weakened, storing the extra waste in fat cells. These toxins are enveloped by fat cells to protect you from harm, but stored toxins make your body’s metabolism less efficient and slows it down, making you gain weight, feel sluggish or prone to illness.

And of course, when we are constantly stressed, work beyond the point of exhaustion and don’t get enough sleep, this puts us in a constant “fight or flight” state that pumps out the hormone cortisol.   Over-production of cortisol contributes to the “spare tire” that sits around many people’s stomach.

Whether it’s a hormonal imbalance, adrenal dysfunction, detoxification system imbalance, digestive problems or inflammation, correcting these are key to natural and lasting weight loss and to your overall health.

You can end the diet war by reprogramming your metabolism and balancing your hormones.  You will also enjoy the benefits of optimal health, including improved mood, improved energy and resistance to disease.  Work with a holistic healthcare professional that can look at the big picture and help fine-tune your metabolism and bring your body into balance.