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Acupuncture Excels at Treating Injuries

Life happens. Unfortunately, injuries happen too. And in a spilt second, an injury can sideline you for weeks or even months as your body tries to heal.  And with all the snow this winter, there’s potential for injuries— from constantly shoveling snow to skiing or riding in pristine powder. When you are faced with an injury, what do you do?  You have probably heard of the acronym R.I.C.E. from your doctor: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation after an injury.  But Chinese medicine takes a little different perspective on the ice and compression elements from this old adage. Chinese medicine is based on…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022

Is Acupuncture Really a Luxury?

Preventive medicine or preventive care is a medical discipline that focuses on preventing diseases rather than curing them or just treating their symptoms. Its goal is to protect, promote, and maintain health and well being and to prevent disease, injuries, disabilities and premature death. Unfortunately, doctors often cannot practice preventive medicine because insurance companies feel that it is too expensive and time consuming and will not compensate doctors for preventive measures. Or, many who are not covered by insurance feel they can’t afford to visit a doctor for anything.  But the fact is that those who forgo going to the doctor for…
Jean Drummond, L.Ac.
October 17, 2022